Data Solutions provides data recovery services with RAID and NAS (Network Attached Storage) server platform.
We possess top-level technology, expert knowledge and experience necessary for data recovery from RAID platforms.
Data restoration services from RAID systems implies, but is not constrained to RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 and 10 arrays. For years we recover valuable data from RAID arrays with one or more damaged hard drives.
File and operating system type, amount of data, different kinds of malfunctions, or time frame do not represent an obstacle, only a challenge to our technicians.
Usually, data recovery from RAID systems is treated as an urgent case.
RAID Data Recovery procedure
Process is started by diagnosing what caused the system failure. As soon as we get separate medias able to access data zones, we copy all the sectors of every single media. After cloning the drives, our engineers will evaluate success rate of RAID reconstruction.
During this procedure, Data recover Laboratory will complete media evaluation to determine any damaged or malfunctioning drive, as well as the price.
The above mentioned analysis reveals any data errors and possible damage (bad blocks).
The types of RAID arrays failures
Često je pre rekonstrukcije niza potrebno otkloniti kvar na pojedinačnim medijima. Tokom ovog postupka, u slučaju da niz čine hard diskovi, na kojima postoje mehanička oštećenja, vrši se zamena komponenti unutar komore mehaničkog sklopa u čistom prostoru klase 100.Ukoliko je oštećeno više diskova, prvo je potrebno otkloniti kvarove na svim diskovima. Kada se omogući pristup sektorima diska koji sadrže podatke, kreiraju se tzv. slike diska, nakon čega naši laboranti pristupaju rekonstrukciji izvornog niza.Više informacija o spašavanju podataka sa hard diska.
In cases when RAID in question was made with SSD discs, we have to copy all the sectors from every single drive. (Data Recovery Usb Flash and SSD).
It is important to know that RAID systems usually aren’t protected from voltage surges or human error, which is the cause of malfunction in 50% of the cases. On the other side, the term RAID is an acronym for redundant array of independent/inexpensive disks, so experience is needed in the configuration to provide long and stable workhours.
Although RAID configuration are usually associated with medium and large corporations, it should be pointed out that a large number of USB storages is delivered in RAID configuration. Even though they are comprised from two or four drives, data recovery from these media can be extremely demanding.